About Nesbit School

The Nesbit Way...

Nesbit School seeks to create a safe, nurturing and respectful learning environment where diversity is valued. 

Nesbit School is committed to equipping our students with the tools they need for academic, personal and social success.

To achieve this, Nesbit students, parents, and staff work collaboratively to help students acquire a solid academic foundation, build strong character, resolve conflicts, develop confidence, set and achieve challenging goals, communicate effectively, and develop a love of learning.

Principal's Message

Dear Nesbit School,




Nesbit School is a vibrant and dynamic community, and I am proud to be your principal! Everyday, K-8th grade students come together to fill the classrooms with laughter, discussion, and critical thinking. Cooperative group work, engaging lessons, and interactive activities allow children to think, grow, and develop. At Nesbit School, we believe that everyone is better . . . together! 


Nesbit School community members are committed to creating a positive school for children. Teachers and staff carefully serve all of the students in their classes. Whether it be through Readers & Writers Workshop or Math problem-solving lessons, teachers engage students to work hard and take risks. Parent volunteers also contribute to our school with exciting enrichment programs and activities both during and after school. Organizations such as the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and SchoolForce greatly assist our community in being able to provide critical resources that directly help students!


I am grateful for the tremendous support and participation of Nesbit School's community members, and most importantly I appreciate our students for their ongoing commitment to learn and to maintain a positive school environment. Nesbit students are respectful, responsible, safe and inclusive!




Ryan Hansen



Nesbit Recognition

Distinguished School

Achieved in 1996, 2008 and 2014

Kent Awards

Awarded in 2015, 2020 and 2022