Nesbit School PTA
Nesbit School Upcoming Events:
For times and locations, check Nesbit school calendar here.
August 14: First day of school!
August 14-16: Parent Coffees after morning gathering
August 22: Back to School Night
August 29: Ice Cream Social
Sept 6: Parent Coffee after morning gathering
Sept 17: PTA Meeting
Sept 20: It's a Party
PTA Meetings: Thursday Sept 17, Nov 19, Jan 21, Mar 18, May 20 (7PM in staff room)
Parent Coffees: First Friday of each month after morning gathering at the lunch tables
Parent donations to SchoolForce, our education foundation, fund PTA activities and events at Nesbit School. Donations to SchoolForce also fund staff, curriculum and programs at Nesbit, transforming what would be a basic education funded by state funds only, into a well-rounded educational experience for every Nesbit student, every day.. Make your donation to support your Nesbit student!
Nesbit Pumawear ONLINE Store
Click HERE to purchase Puma Wear!
Welcome to the Nesbit PTA - We make Nesbit AWESOME!
The Nesbit School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit parent and teacher organization (Tax ID # 94-6184980) that encourages parent and teacher collaboration working toward delivering an outstanding education for all students. At Nesbit (K to 8th grade school), we are fortunate to have a highly active PTA that focuses on three primary goals: 1) Community Building towards a positive learning environment and connectivity between families; 2) Advocacy for children’s education; and (3) Fundraising to support educational and enrichment programs that benefit the children of Nesbit School.
How can you help stay connected?
Get Involved - Raise your hand that you are willing to help. Email
Join our Nesbit School Facebook private group and follow us on additional social media channels:
Calendar page - View upcoming events (subscribe to our Google calendar).
Attend our PTA meetings in-person or virtually - 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM, every other month. EVERYONE is invited to attend!
Tuesday, Sept 17, 2024, 7:00PM
Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024, 7:00PM
Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025, 7:00PM
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025, 7:00PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 7:00PM
In-Person: Nesbit Teacher's Staff room (entrance to the left of the main office doors)
Zoom link: Shared in Pawprints newsletter
2024-25 PTA Board
(includes elected officials, appointed board members, and key positions)
Elected Officials:
President - Zoe Ellis-Sutton
Executive Vice President - Marta Vilalta
Treasurer - Wenyun Zuo
Recording Secretary - Jennifer Hennings
Appointed Board Members & Key Positions:
Parliamentarian - Jill Jackson
Financial Reviewer - Richard Wang
Historian - Kimberly Wong
Financial Secretary - Jennifer Clark
PTA Site Council Rep - TBD
SchoolForce Rep - Mindy Song
Volunteer Coordinator - Angela Brady
Communications/Newsletters - Norma Prado
Events Coordinator - Priya Arvind
After School Programs - Anagha Kulkarni-Joshi
School Representatives:
Principal - Ryan Hansen-Vera
Assistant Principal - Christina Spicker
Teacher Rep - Chandra Mc Keon, Paula Crosatto
Finance & Budget Information
Nesbit PTA Expense Reimbursement/Payment Authorization forms:
Online (preferred): Link to online form
Offline: Form to download
Cash Verification Form (for committee leads to fill out for money collected for bank deposit): Link to download form